Friday, April 8, 2011

Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? Acts 2:8

(both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues! Acts 2:11

The below entry is a part of a note I wrote in FB notes upon the anniversary of my husbands death 8 years ago. I wanted to share the powerful presence of God through his Holy Spirit that night at my husbands memorial service at our then church in 2002 Calvary Chapel in Chandler AZ where we lived before he passed away. I wanted to share his life and struggles at the memorial and share the grace and mercy God gave my husband Chad,in spite of his struggles because he had given his life to Christ..Well as I was reading back over this note I posted last year the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention that this happening your about to read about is similar to what the Verses in Acts 2:8 and 11, I gave above testify to these happenings from the memorial service.
That God can reveal himself to anyone at anytime no matter the language being spoken at the moment...please do take the time to read the below in light of the scriptures I shared above...I'm encouraged again in a new way with what happened 8 years ago,wow..Praise you Lord. Many things happened that night,and so it starts out stating what that next thing was:

"Then God did an amazing thing again that same night. I remember seeing a small Hispanic man at the back of the room. Well,afterwards he came up to my pastor who was Mexican and spoke Spanish to ask Jesus into his heart.

Ya see guys,this man spoke  "None to very little English" and worked with Chad. This little man had just been hired at Chads work only a few days before Chad died and Chad was his supervisor and had been training him on the job for those few days. 

This little man came up to me so happy with his New Believers Bible in hand after speaking with my pastor and accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord Savior,and he said in very broken English as he raised his Bible up." Because of Chad".

I share this to say God worked and turned the heart of a man who came to a English speaking memorial service and UNDERSTOOD what was being offered even though he didn't know the English language being spoken. I was amazed at that night. I still remember the look on this mans face,his Joy and revelation even though he couldn't communicate it with me due to language barriers. The HOLY SPIRIT spoke truth and Love and Freedom to him even though his language was NOT being spoken at all during the whole service.......I often wonder where that little Hispanic man is s now..........God is MAJESTIC."

Felicia Hyde